Distributors of Pepeo products

If you are a registered seller you can order high-quality Pepeo ceiling fans directly on the pepeo.eu or pepeo.de website.
End customers can purchase the articles from the following online retailers:

We would like point out that we classify distributors into three ranks on the basis of various customer-focussed evaluation criteria.
The criteria take various aspects into account, such as competent customer advisory service, fast delivery and making instruction manuals and information material available. The internal assessment conducted by Pepeo allows you as a customer to gain an overview of 
trustworthy sources of supply.

The classification by Pepeo is 
reviewed every year and updated on this page.

If you found the service of one of our registered distributors to be unsatisfactory, please let us know by sending a mail to info@webtotrade.de or filling out a 
contact form.